Compliance OS — Automation & Data

Compliance OS
The Future of GRC

Moving beyond human-powered workflows by embracing a proactive, data-driven approach to GRC

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Unlimited plugins & frameworks
Data powered Compliance
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Your Data. Our Sauce.

We believe credible, visible, and actionable data should be the foundation of every compliance initiative. We’re talking about data that works for you, not the other way around. Anecdotes solves the most complex data challenges in the GRC space with a unique layered approach designed for scale. Why? Because we believe compliance leaders deserve true compliance peace of mind.

Discover Why Google Cloud Partnered with Anecdotes as The Top Data-Driven GRC Solution

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Plugins layer

It all starts with plugins

The Anecdotes Compliance OS automatically collects artifacts from multiple sources: public cloud, on-premise, private cloud, and SaaS tools, through 100% propriety integrations, saving you time and valuable resources.

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DATA layer

Flexible data

This is where normalized and structured data is housed in an evidence pool with a unique data-fabric approach, to serve as the basis for every application usage. 

Applications layer

Managing the day-to-day

Every Compliance process has a correlating application powered by credible data, so that you can manage all aspects of your program in one place.

Compliance OS: Pioneering the Future of Compliance

1st Generation

Workflow automation

  • Project management oriented
  • High effort customizations
  • Lack of data
2nd Generation

Audit automation

  • Framework oriented
  • Non-actionable data
  • Prescriptive
3rd Generation

Compliance OS

  • Data oriented
  • Granular configurability
  • Designed for maturity

With Anecdotes we have true continuous compliance. We are able to identify control effectiveness and to demonstrate to both leadership and customers the status of our maturing security program.

Prabhath Karanth,
Global Head of Security & Trust