Building the Future of GRC Together

Hey, we’re anecdotes. And we didn’t just build the world’s first Compliance OS. We’re also giving Compliance and Risk the rightful seat at the table with data driven processes.

For far too long, Compliance has been whittled down to box ticking and audit passing - a mundane, if not tedious necessity operating in the shadows of larger security and risk programs. But if you’re anything like us, you know what they don’t: Those programs stand on the shoulders of GRC teams.

So we built a GRC home of our own; intuitive, sleek, and loaded with the features and data we’ve always wanted but never had, from one-click reporting, cross-mapping, and instant gap notifications to real-time integrations with all of the cloud, dev, collaboration, and security tools your business already uses.

Beautifully simple. Perfectly potent. And we do it at scale for enterprises.

For far too long, security Compliance has been whittled down to box ticking and audit passing - a mue sd loaded with the features and tech we’ve always wanted but nevee. Perfectly potent.And we do it at scale. We get tomorrow’s unicorns ready for the next step. And yeah, if you need the basics, we’ll cover the whole bowl of alphabet soup, from SOC 2 to HIPAA and more.anecdotes is where Compliance works.

What Makes Us... Us


We believe that real data is the foundation for trust and partnership.


Everything can, and should be, self-explanatory, from Compliance requirements to using our OS.


Anything we do should serve the personal and professional growth of our customers and our team.

Enjoy Smart Compliance

We enjoy creating an environment where everyone can actually enjoy compliance. Really.


Yair Kuznitsov

Yair Kuznitsov

Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder
Yair Kuznitsov

Roi Amior

Chief Product Officer & Co-Founder
Yair Kuznitsov

Jon Feldman

VP Sales
Yair Kuznitsov

Michele Reister

VP Marketing
Yair Kuznitsov

Ryan Lieser

VP of Alliances & Partnerships
Yair Kuznitsov

Dor Levi

VP Customers
Yair Kuznitsov

Roee Poleg

VP of R&D
Yair Kuznitsov

Nir Heizler

VP of Finance
Yair Kuznitsov

Yaara Fatael

VP of HR
Yair Kuznitsov

Yael Daihes

Head of AI
Yair Kuznitsov

Jake Bernardes

Our Values

Proudly Backed and Advised by

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Behind Our Name

A company’s Compliance journey is shaped by all elements of the business—from security, through R&D, to sales, and HR. Our unique technology empowers security Compliance leaders to collect the Anecdotes that tell the company’s Compliance story and to leverage them as a driver for growth.

We've Got the Gold

We’re waiting for you! Come and visit us.

228 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto, California, 94301, USA

3 HaMelacha St,
Tel Aviv, Israel

12-16 Vestry Street,
New York, NY 10013, USA